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Game of Thrones and Harry Potter stars filming in Kraków

Autor Robert

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Poziom: Intermediate

Rheon, who is best known for playing psychopath Ramsay Snow in cult show 'Game of Thrones’, was spotted out and about in Kraków by unsuspecting fans over the weekend, as was Grint, who played the decidedly more savoury character of Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter franchise.


Nevertheless, the British production remains cloaked in mystery.


Although Kraków-based casting agency Outside is recruiting extras for the project, the company has declined to give details about the shoot.


'Game of Thrones’ Polish fan portal has claimed that the production is set in 1907. However, the website noted that it is not clear whether Kraków is supposed to represent another European city in the project.


Bystanders who bumped into Rheon over the weekend commented that the Welsh actor seemed to be greatly enjoying his time in the city, which is Poland’s tourist capital.


Słówka do zapamiętania:

best known – najbardziej znany z

spotted – zauważony

unsuspecting – niczego nie podejrzewającym

decidedly – zdecydowanie

savoury – przyzwoity, porządny

cloaked – zamaskowany

declined – odmówili

claimed – twierdzili

bystanders – widzowie, świadkowie


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Robert Robert

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