this is how they rate us
organized courses
Live polish classes from home.
Break the language barrier in intimate groups or in a one-on-one course.

Start talking from the first lesson
We don't do lectures. We want every lesson to be a lively discussion. Everyone takes an active part in the talks.

Save time
Choose what lesson times suit you best and learn without leaving home. Save time on your commute.

Platform that will make you remember everything
After each lesson, your teacher will upload key vocabulary to the platform. Revise conveniently on your phone whenever you have time.
How it works
All you need is a computer or tablet and a headset.
Join lessons via computer from anywhere
Talk. Learn words. Enjoy lessons in small group of 3-5 people or individually
Revise vocabulary words on the platform and use them in subsequent classes
Dlaczego pokochasz naukę w English-Line
Stawiamy na najlepszych lektorów i nowoczesną metodę.
Gwarantowani świetni lektorzy. Nauka z fajnymi ludźmi w kameralnej atmosferze to przyjemność.
Mówienie i słownictwo Nasza metoda jest nastawiona na komunikację i swobodę wypowiedzi.

Zapamiętasz wszystkie słówka, dzięki naszej autorskiej aplikacji do ekspresowej nauki słówek.
Dobra zabawa bo nauka jest skuteczniejsza gdy jest przyjemna.
Jasne i proste zasady, bo chcemy, żeby nasi Kursanci byli w 100% zadowoleni z kursu i do nas wracali.
Standard online
351zł od 296zł /month
Discount: first minute 10%
Launch: 03-15 October 2022
Period: October-June
Lessons 2 times a week live with a professional teacher
Permanent group of 3-5 people at your level
Teacher upload key vocabulary from
lesson to the platform.
Access to the mobile application without limit even
after the course is finished.
Access to lesson materials with
teachers' notes
Individual course
119zł 99zł /60min
Start anytime
Classes with a professional teacher.
Intensity tailored to individual preferences.
Teachers upload key vocabulary from the lesson to the platform
Access to the lesson materials along with the teacher's notes.
Access to the mobile app 6 months after the course.