Тестування з граматики та лексики

Приведене нижче тестування дозволить вам перевірити свій рівень знання мови.

Ви не вивчали англійську мову? ;Заповніть форму тут, щоб отримати інформацію про курси для початківців.


Пройдіть тестування, і ми визначимо ваш рівень англійської мови.

Будь ласка, заповніть наступні відповіді:

Сторінка 1/8.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

1 Joanna looks [.........] in her new dress.

2 You have a terrible fever! [.........] call a doctor?

3 I don't have a cent to give you. I ...... bought a new computer.

4 Mum gave [.........] her job when I was born.

5 It's all right, we [.........] hurry. We have plenty of time.

6 Mr Haines wants [.........] to his office.

7 There are [.........] around to start a cricket team.

8 These bottles [.........] of plastic.

9 Do you know where [.........] ?

10 Magda knows a lot about snakes, but she [.........] a live one.

Сторінка 2/8. Браво, вже 10 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

11 We wash the curtains [.........] year.

12 The loudspeakers won't work unless you [.........] those cables.

13 You should give [.........] .

14 Marian has [.........] old books.

15 Hania has got two children, ....... ?

16 Let's think [.........] something nice.

17 A Jaguar is [.........] than a Fiat.

18 The TV's too loud. Please, [.........] .

19 It's a pity you [.........] here last night.

20 What about [.........] for a walk?

Сторінка 3/8. Браво, вже 20 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

21 I made one or two mistakes, but [.........] of my answers were correct.

22 You can't cross the road when the light [.........] red.

23 I have a problem. [.........] help me please?

24 Our neighbour is [.........] to Ireland.

25 Do penguins fly? No, they [.........] .

26 [.........] train are you taking, the express to Poznan or to Skwierzyna?

27 This is [.........] story.

28 Marta takes the dog for a walk [.........] the evening.

29 We haven't got [.........] Polish friends.

30 Simon can't [.........] to you now. He's busy.

Сторінка 4/8. Браво, вже 30 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

31 Have they finished working yet? I don't think [.........] .

32 Somebody stole his wallet so he [.........] money from a friend.

33 We must go now. Call the waitress and ask for the [.........] .

34 He's a friend of [.........] .

35 Have you had [.........] to eat?

36 I [.........] my boyfriend since Christmas.

37 Who was the woman [.........] ?

38 Is [.........] than his father?

39 She was 29 on her birthday, [.........] she?

40 [.........] is it from here to Berlin?

Сторінка 5/8. Браво, вже 40 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

41 Good [.........] ! I hope you get the job.

42 The doctor has told her that she must give [.........] drinking.

43 There was a lot of noise so I didn't understand what she was [.........] .

44 I [.........] drink beer than wine.

45 I gave her [.........] earrings for Christmas.

46 Would you like some more tea? There's still [.........] left.

47 She didn't want the job, [.........] .

48 He has been [.........] for armed robbery.

49 The financial director [.........] for almost an hour.

50 I've often [.........] at the Wiejce Palace Hotel.

Сторінка 6/8. Браво, вже 50 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

51 didn't realise that the coffee shop was [.........] the other side of the road.

52 We have [.........] for a receptionist but haven't appointed anyone yet.

53 She's very beautiful but that kind of woman doesn't [.........] to me.

54 The language school that I attend is 20 kilometres [.........] .

55 "I'm going to the cinema on Saturday." "So [.........] ."

56 They [.........] him of scratching the car.

57 They had to leave the flat because they couldn't pay the [.........]

58 She [.........] at me and then turned away.

59 The book shop rang [.........] that the dictionary you ordered has arrived.

60 If he hadn't drunk so much, he [.........] sick.

Сторінка 7/8. Браво, вже 60 пройдено питань.

Ще трохи і тестування буде завершено.

61 Maria has two sisters, but she doesn't speak to [.........] of them.

62 Hubert is an uncle of [.........] .

63 We discussed the house plans [.........] our way to the shops.

64 George goes to [.........] by car.

65 Have you found a job [.........] ?

66 My boots are dirty. I'd better take them [.........] before I come in.

67 What did the man say [.........] ?

68 Do you think I should move to Ireland? You shouldn't do anything [.........] you think it's the right thing to do.

69 We can finish the rest of the eggs for [.........] .

70 If she doesn't [.........] my sight at once, I'll scream!

Вітаємо! Ви пройшли тестування. Заповніть свої дані нижче. Інформацію про результати тестування ви отримаєте на наступний (робочий) день.

* Ваші дані використовуватимуться лише для контакту щодо даної форми. Обіцяємо :)
